
I hope I never lose my sense of wonder. If that makes me naive, then so be it.

Friday, 11 May 2007

oh, what a beautiful morning

Though I'm not sure I want everything coming my way. It just sounds too busy. I did survive yesterday's busy day though, with school, an invasion by our homeschool co-op for an end-of-year picnic and play day, a meeting to plan for a visiting choir group next month, practicing a song for church in a couple of weeks with a little violin player I'll call Snowman, and a regular band rehearsal occasionally interrupted by cries of "HE SCORES!!!" from D watching the Sens game.


As usual, it seems the leaves have appeared overnight on some of the trees. The sound of them blowing in the wind for the first time always catches me and makes me smile. The blackflies have become particularly nasty and I still have that planting to do. Today, yes?


Jennifer said...

time to borrow d's mosquito netting face piece. does he have one?

barb said...

I have a whole hooded jacket thing. It just gets stuffy inside, though it's a small price to pay some days.

Jennifer said...

stuffiness is worth beauty and free going to purchase a pellet gun for chipmunks and nasty gray cat in my yard....hehehehe