
I hope I never lose my sense of wonder. If that makes me naive, then so be it.

Thursday, 15 April 2010


I'm trying something new with Seren. It's a site called the Daring Kitchen - a monthly cooking challenge, following a specific recipe and blogging the results on the reveal date a month later. I'm hoping to be spurred to try new things, make new discoveries ... and eat the results!

So, nothing more on this til next month's reveal, on May 14th. I find out in two days what I'll be making. I'm feeling kind of silly being so excited about it.

But I am.

If any of you join, let me know - we can buddy within the website. :)

1 comment:

Y said...

I'm interested. My husband goes out on a limb often with cooking experiments. Think I'd like to surprise him with a few of mine own. Just need some ideas...