
I hope I never lose my sense of wonder. If that makes me naive, then so be it.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Yep. The annual cold has found me.

It started with A's dry cough last Wednesday. Which my body, seeming to think sounded pretty nifty, decided to pick up on Thursday. It was one of those coughs that tires you out by constantly being there and not actually accomplishing anything. A has mostly dealt with coughing and fatigue, but it rapidly hit the stage for me where every nerve in my skin gets hyper sensitive. If I touched my hair, the follicles hurt from moving. Moving meant clothes sliding over my arms and back, and it was as if my tshirt was made of burlap. To bed I duly went, coughing all the while. Joints hurt, and I had a mild fever so kept tossing covers off only to be grasping them back again, shivering.

The next day R joined in. Hooray! D held out until Sunday when he started with more of a true head cold. On Sunday afternoon I lay in bed and realized that I could pinpoint everyone's position in the house by the coughing.

Side note: a day in bed sounds much more luxurious when you don't actually have to spend a day in bed.

Over the last day my cough has changed to a more nasty sounding one, with lots of loveliness in my throat. I'm hoping it doesn't decide to go any lower.

M, our little nurse who has made and served many pots of green tea, started this morning. It really is nice to do things together as a family.

Sunday, 10 January 2010


I saw something today that made me do an entirely unplanned, completely reflexive, scream. It slipped out before I could stop it and I realized when it heard it what it was.

An explosion of glee. Simple, unadulterated, honest glee.

I saw the cover drawing for my brilliant author friend's book. And, to the illustrator who I'm sure will never read this blog: you, too, are brilliant. The faces! The images! For crying out loud (and I almost did. No, on second thought, I did. There were more little glee-plosions, resulting in happy shrapnel everywhere) even the FONT were amazing. This amazing story, which so deserves the light of day, by an author who so deserves all the accolades that I'm sure she will get, is going to be available next December.

I am so happy for my dear Seren. It's gonna be beautiful.

gleegleegleeglee... what a fun word.

Thursday, 7 January 2010


Home feels new. Three and a half weeks away was a great time, seeing family, meeting friends. Thirteen different states, no idea how many miles traveled. D was his usual amazing self, driving almost all of the distance, and the girlies were fun and much silliness was had by all.

Now it's home, to a house that was clean and intact but for evidence of partying mice. Traps have been set. Picking up Sam today, chickens sometime soon, and a new hamster this weekend (as pet, not for aforementioned traps).