
I hope I never lose my sense of wonder. If that makes me naive, then so be it.

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

confessions of a foodie

I love the Food Network. I love watching them create stuff and getting inspired to try things myself.

I made, for the first time last night, risotto. You don't cook the stuff, you have a relationship with it. It's not technically difficult to make, but you need to stay by it, watching over and stirring, adding more stock when it's ready for it. Bit by bit. Made it simple, with homemade chicken stock and green peas. A hit with all family members, and a springboard for more. Seafood, R suggested. I'm thinking roasted red peppers or asparagus would fit in well too.

Tonight is sirloin tip roast and other lovely nummies. I'm thinking of making a strawberry tart or somesuch for dessert.

My kitchen is downright puny and I will confess to getting much satisfaction out of producing good meals in a room smaller than the master bathroom (make that the walk-in closet) of our previous home. The counter is about the size of that in our first one-bedroom apartment. When I do my canning in the summer I have to pull another table over so I can get the work done. So it becomes a sort of contest, to see what I can do in such a space.

Dishwasher? What's that? Oh, right, it's us. No room for one.

I would love to take a cooking course, learn how the real chefs do it. Time and money being key issues here. I want to take a course on sauces, on seasonings. A weekend getaway with cooking courses would be, for me, the equivalent of a spa weekend for many women. Forget the seaweed wraps and massages, give me a state-of-the-art kitchen and teach me stuff.

I watched Ratatouille with the kids and ogled the cooking scenes. The girls and I are going to try making a real ratatouille some time soon.

I love that the girls enjoy cooking with me.

I love how goaliemom and serendipity understand everything I've just said.


Jennifer said...

you have no idea.

i think the sauce on the ratatouille is a cream/tomato sauce.

i'm going to a cordon bleu open house march 1.
i know exactly how you feel.

sue said...

Even your title got me excited! My favorite risotto.. crimini mushrooms and fresh green peas. Shrimp would be good, too.

You do so much with your little space! You're my food hero!