Yesterday was a dreary day, made fun in the afternoon by a visit from Serendipity, RSH, and the gaffer for a bit of old-fashioned fun. Three sleds were hooked up in a chain to the back of their car, and our long driveway made itself useful as the car made a bunch of trips up and down, pulling the laughing kids along. We topped out at 25km/h, though from the sleds it felt much faster. It was so good to watch the kids' faces from my vantage point in the back hatch of the car, where I was both spotter and photographer. RSH's attempts to stand on the toboggan and surf his way down the lane was cause for much hilarity.
All was followed with a meal of Indian food - curry and Basmati rice. Yummy, and just the right thing to warm us all up.
Also, I got to see some of the latest bits of Seren's book. It will be cause for much delight when whatever publisher is wise enough and lucky enough to get it gets this printed. I am amazed at the creativity of this woman and glad I get to edit the book, thereby having a teensy bit of input into the process.
Today is more dreariness, though good news that Dad & Mom are arrived safe and sound in Orlando. Here in Ottawa there's a flash freeze warning. Oh, goody.
School continues well, with the girls very keen on history. The book series (Story of the World, by Susan Wise Bauer) reads aloud well and gives a great overview. It's by no means a comprehensive history of any one culture; rather it goes chronologically and covers the whole world. So far this term we've gone from the fall of Rome, to Byzantium, to the origins of Islam, to England and Beowulf, to China and Japan and Korea, to the Maori in New Zealand. And all before 800AD. Our time line is getting lots of dates added and they are very much looking forward to the promised Medieval Feast we plan for when we cover the knights-and-castles era. I'll have to find recipes for that, but I draw the line at roasting a pig on a spit.
ooh you're so sweeet!!
would you roast a goat?
I think the pig sounds like a good idea.
A book called Anna of Byzantium might be an interesting read for the girls considering what you're doing in history. Josh and I both enjoyed it.
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