I. will. run. today.
I am quite determined and have almost made up my mind to get some exercise today (apologies to Jane Austen for that mangling of Emma). My legs seem to have forgotten their cruel fate last week and are naively thinking that yes, it might be a good idea (fools that they are!). They do have short memories.
We had a lovely weekend visit with goaliemom, including a visit to Rome, metaphorically speaking. (GM will understand that. I don't think anyone else will, unless Serendipity remembers a poem I wrote about Rome) We also took in a play that was good for plenty of laughs and had a fun double-date evening all around. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy live theatre, and the company of D&J made it all the better (of course).
Goodness, I've used a lot of parenthetical statements in this post. (not that there's anything wrong with that)
(it just gets pretty noticeable when you do it too much)
you mean this one?:
seems I can't escape
the need to tell you
what it all means
but then I've not quite got it yet
so here we are again
same place, different time
trying to pin it down
and failing gloriously
but isn't Rome about glory?
and don't all roads lead here?
grand avenues, twisting alleys
boulevards on which you simply must be seen
so here we are again
thought we were going away from it
when we were in Rome
things made sense, somehow
I strike out in new directions
running madly anywhere else
but wait, around the corner,
is that Rome up ahead?
so here we are again
and I know you're waiting
as I look down a road
wondering if it leads, finally, out
good girl for running. proud of you. your legs are proud of you. your lungs are proud of you. God's proud of you. just think how gorgeous your legs will look come bathing suit season...
Rome. Again. And I'm thankful that you are willing to go there with me.
Serendipity: that's the one. And thanks for the encouragement, and the kick in the butt when I need it.
GM: Any time. Really.
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