Our April 2012 Daring Cooks hosts were David & Karen from Twenty-Fingered Cooking. They presented us with a very daring and unique challenge of forming our own recipes by using a set list of ingredients!The recipe had to be created using one item from each of three lists:
- parsnips, eggplant (aubergine), cauliflower (the "vegetable" list)
- balsamic vinegar, goat cheese, chipoltle peppers (the "strong flavour" list)
- maple syrup, coffee, bananas (the "weird" list)
The maple syrup came from a friend's brother's operation in Québec, a lovely medium syrup. I figured this would match well with venison, so out of the freezer came some boneless venison loin chops from D's hunt in the fall. This meat is beautiful, lean and dark - and given that D hunts it on our land, it's about as local as it comes. The venison was seared, then finished to medium-rare in the oven while I made sauce.
The sauce was simple, but the ingredients definitely made it: I started with some duck demi-glace I had made before (yay for crazy things like that in my freezer!), then added the maple syrup. The flavours blended well, but it needed to be brightened so I used the acid of balsamic vinegar for that. A little reduction, and it was ready to go. The chops were topped with a slice of goat cheese, and then the sauce.
All the testers agreed it was good, but they still didn't trust me with eggplant. Maybe next time. Thanks for another great challenge!