She makes up words, the most famous in our family being 'Meekasodo', which quickly became our nickname for her and inspired a character in Seren's soon-to-be-published book (side note worth mentioning: Seren is a brilliant writer and her book is a gem. When it is published, buy a copy for every kid you know. Seriously.).
The latest one I heard: "flitterbits". Pardon me? I asked. With a grin, she repeated, "flitterbits!"
What's that mean? I pursued, expecting a vague answer. Without a pause: "Oh, that's what you call pieces of butterfly wings".
Of course.
copywrite for next book!
Of course that is what you call them. It makes perfect sense. Flitterbits. I like it.
Seren, it's yours to use.
Yes, it has a sort of logic to it, doesn't it?
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