
I hope I never lose my sense of wonder. If that makes me naive, then so be it.

Friday, 13 June 2008

and the green grass grew all around


We arrived last night, having enjoyed our cave tour and then been amazed during our walking/rafting tour of Ausable Chasm. We drove home through Lake Placid but as the ski jump towers weren't open to see the view from the top, we continued home.

Man, does grass ever grow a lot in 2 weeks. The poor farm looked neglected and sad and very overgrown. But after some mowing it's looking better. Now the gardens are crying out to be weeded; the veggie garden got some attention today but it will be many days' work before it's all up to where it should be.

Another surprise awaited us in the chicken coop. The surviving hen from the attack 2 weeks ago was not in fact Honey, but Ninjy (named by R after D said her funny noises sounded like a Bruce Lee movie). So she and Biddy were happy today to come out into the run, but with all the mowing and long grass that's where they stayed. Lots of work to do in there over the next two weeks to prep for the newcomers.

The cows are here. I do like looking out and seeing them. Not enough to get my own, mind you, but it is nice to have them back. The calves are cute and I recognize some of the cows. Yes, I know that's sad.

More to do tomorrow, but the impending rain will hold off some work. And tomorrow will be our first day at the Farmer's Market - not sure what the rain will mean for that, but we'll head down and see if it's a go.

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