
I hope I never lose my sense of wonder. If that makes me naive, then so be it.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

i do like it, i do, i do

Sort of 'I think I can', but after spending two hours plowing the driveway. Thank goodness for our tractor, clearing away 30cm of snow plus drifts. The power outlet for the snow blower is on the back of the tractor. So, that's two hours driving backwards. My neck is now, I'm sure, a chiropractor's dream. Or nightmare. But it's plowed and I still think it's pretty and I still love living in the country. Honestly.

The house has been warmed today by my oven making baked beans from scratch. A long process but well worth the result, especially on a day like this. The kids are just in from playing in the snow; a fire and warm supper awaits.

I have been pondering the strange beauty of snow drifts the past couple of days. They are so fluid, yet take on strange angles and have odd little cuts into them. The wind as sculptor - I love it.

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