Last night's supper was great; the girls made wonderful sous-chefs and the meal was greatly appreciated by D and tasted as good as we'd hoped.
Today there is rain (or, rather, snow) on M's parade as the long-awaited snowstorm finally arrived - on the day we planned for her trip to visit goaliemom for a few days. Instead we will be staying put as the snow falls and gets blown around. We will handle the storm in a very mature manner by building a fort out of blankets in the little nook at the top of the stairs and the girls will camp there tonight and make a fine adventure of it. We may as well make the best of the change in plans, and there's just something about blanket forts that is cozy and perfect for a day like this.
And of course, Valentine's Day. D and I have marked 21 of these now (yikes!) between dating and marriage. And I'm more in love with him than ever.
Isn't it wonderful to be more in love than ever? This is #25 for us, and the anniversary of our engagement.
Tell M I will miss her.
M says thank you!
Happy silver... Valentine Day. ;-)
I guess Valentine's Day is much more exciting when you aren't single.
That meal definitely sounded great! I'll have to make a reservation in the near future. :)
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